Digitising the assessment of eligibility and
affordability in SME lending.

Delivering best-in-class customer experiences and transforming cost-to-serve.
Embedded Lending delivers API-led solutions deployed as a service by banks and lenders to digitally triage customers.

A single digital journey, driving customer assessment.

Digital, self-serve access to banks’ own lending solutions.

Instant referral to a custom panel of lenders as appropriate.

Lending solutions integrated with banks’ own technology stack.

Access to non-debt finance solutions for ineligible businesses.

Digital triage transforming operational effectiveness.

Removing up to 80% of ineligible applications without manual intervention and directing customers to viable alternatives.

Consistent, accurate indicative offers driving high conversion.

Configuring eligibility and affordability in real-time, making accurate credit assessments across all products.

Integration with existing technology to deliver fast money-out.

Enabling seamless origination through integration with decisioning, workflow and document management.

Live access to data for in-journey assessment of customers.

Using our existing integrations with CRAs, Open Banking, management accounts, CCDS data and analytics support.

Referral solution to provide positive customer outcomes.

Offering ineligible customers access to alternative solutions from a custom panel of lenders and non-debt solutions.

Analytics to optimise proposition and benchmark performance.

Leveraging our leading data service to profile customers, explore funding needs and drive operational performance.

Lending. Digitised.

Delivering the right lending propositions to the right customers.

We enable the effortless setup and configuration of SME lending products, driving integrated access to serve up the right funding solutions for customers.

Offering leading digital customer experiences.

We enable the delivery of self-serve solutions that business customers are seeking: access to funding in under three minutes, an easy to understand application process and product information to help businesses make the right decisions for them.

Reducing time-to-launch and delivery risks.

De-risk and accelerate delivery by leveraging our proven technology provided as a service. This drives business impact, helping lenders to transform their customer propositions and minimise their internal delivery costs.