Built by funders and brokers, for funders and brokers.

Allows brokers to access funders, enabling them to match proposals to appetite while optimising funder look-to-book ratios.

Delivers higher-quality proposals with secure upload of documents and access to Open Banking and Management Accounts.

Integrates through APIs to deliver proposals into a funders’ own tech stack or workflow for streamlined operations.
Digital technology creating value for funders and brokers.
A single point of access for brokers to screen proposals in minutes.
Digital packaging of proposals to drive high quality submissions.
Demonstrable compliance with TCF and FCA rules.
Advanced live tracking of the status of proposals and updates.
Easy configuration of the funding appetite used to screen proposals.
Launched in collaboration with leading innovators in commercial finance.

Increased look-to-book.
Higher conversion ratios by eliminating proposals that don’t fit appetite, improving time to decision.

Compliant processes.
Compliance can be easily demonstrated and audited by funders including data management and consent.

More deals, higher quality.
The flow of quality proposals and standardisation of processes instils confidence across broker panels.

Effective collaboration.
Live visibility of flow and status of each deal and collaboration tools to ensure efficient completion.

API-led integration with funders’ portals.
One system for broker relationships, operational control and compliance—used separately or integrated into existing portals.

Live reporting.
Reporting across the pipeline for brokers and funders via operational dashboards, assisting broker reviews and auditing.
Lending. Digitised.

Dynamic information capture and funder matching.
Capture proposed deal structure, assets, supplier source and verification of the end customer, combined with CRA data to qualify potential deals against funder appetites. Brokers are presented with simple guidance of the most likely routes to funding.

Structured, compliant proposals.
Deliver a repeatable, auditable, proposal creation process. A range of third party integrations, including both permissioned and background data sources, are utilised to capture and package rich submissions to funders. SmartFinanceHub integrates with CRAs, Open Banking and CCDS data as well as providing structured input to support the deal.

Manage pipeline and proposals.
Provide management interfaces for funders and brokers to stay up to date with proposal progress, recall saved proposals and review pipeline performance across the entire panel. Deep dive into specific proposals to see a record of all steps taken, information captured, documents provided, consents captured and terms shown.