Funding Xchange attends the Asset Finance Connect UK conference and provides a ‘beacon of light’.

Publication: Asset Finance International

Our Chief Commercial Officer, Ben Sher, was invited to be on the panel at the Asset Finance Connect UK Conference where he took an active role at how technology can be a driver of value and its role in a relationship-driven asset finance arena. Panellists include:

  • Ylva Oertengren, Chief Operating officer – Simply Asset Finance
  • David Fletcher, Head of commercial – Credit Kudos
  • John Wiles Managing Director – Simply Asset Finance
  • Jon Maycock, Commercial Director – Propel Finance
  • Nathan Mollett, Head of Asset Finance – United Trust Bank

Edward Peck, founder of Asset Finance Connect said, “Asset Finance Connect provided a beacon of light for the industry, after eighteen months in which Covid-19 had a very significant impact on organisations’ operations and meant many activities, including conference sessions, moved online. We were delighted to see so many senior industry people attend our first F2F event since December 2019, and their enthusiasm for the discussions throughout the day shows how our delegates value the opportunity to meet, hear the latest expert opinions and predictions, and share their own insights.”

Further details on this conference can be found at here.